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How To Switch Careers In 2022

4 Steps to transition into a field you love

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In this article we'll cover:

So, you've spent thousands on your degree, worked in the industry for a hot minute then decided, "meh, this ain't it fam." You're ready to change careers.

Some may call you crazy. We call you brilliant.

You don't want to be stuck in the same mediocre job, for mediocre pay, with a side of crippling anxiety. You're ready to make the change and that - my friend - is worth high praise.

Go on and pat yourself on the back.

While switching careers is easier said than done there are a few steps you can take to increase your visibility to recruiters, both after graduation and mid-career.

Wait a sec... how exactly do I find the right career?

Getting out of that dusty, cold cubicle requires one thing from you.

And I know, I know, you've done it all trying to wiggle out of the moldy trap of mounting depression (ermm, I mean job). Which probably includes but is not limited to: investing, crypto and get-rich-quick schemes that fail with belly flop precision.

It's important to know where those things rank on your side-hustle to-do list.

It's equally important to know what works now because your bills aren't waiting for a return on your investment. And the toll that takes on your pocket also extends to your mental and emotional health.

You need money now.

Before we dive into the nitty gritty below we want you not give up on the idea of a fulfilling career.

Unlike what you've been told, finding the right job does not start with knowing what you're passionate about.

It starts with knowing what's available, then finding a way to work your passion into it.

Think about it, what good is knowing all the things you're good at and love to do if the job doesn't exist to fulfill those things.

We're currently working on a database of the newest job titles and roles that you've probably never heard of but in the meantime the best way to find a title that's fulfilling to you is:

  1. Perusing job postings (not on LinkedIn) on company websites.

  2. Those companies have to have more than 100 employees

  3. The companies have to be the ones that try to be "trendy," (more on that in a minute)

  4. The company actively hires at all times.

Bear in mind the goal is not to apply to these jobs but to just know what's out there (we'll get to the application bit in a second.)

How to find interesting jobs that pay

Firstly, head to the career posting page of top or mid-sized companies.

Examples of top companies would be Amazon, Netflix, Google, Uber or Apple. Examples of thriving mid-size companies would be AirBnB, SouthWest Gas and Gentex.

What we're looking for are companies who stay up to date with new roles.

New roles mean that the entrance threshold is low (most of the time). So you probably won't have to go back to school just train with the company that hires you and show initiative.

Avoid searching on LinkedIn for available jobs. Here's why.

LinkedIn's algorithm only shows you jobs you're qualified for. So your scope of what's really available is limited to the job you currently hate that you're trying to get out of.

That's why you gotta go straight to the source.

Scroll through these companies available jobs until something interesting stands out to you. Look at the job description and qualifications.

This may take a while because there are some jobs you may need a whole Engineering degree for.

But there are others that are fairly new and mostly anybody with the right mindset and transferable skills can slip into. A couple examples:

  • Product manager

  • User Experience Designer

  • User Experience Writer

  • Social Media Manager

These are fairly new roles to the industry. They're exciting and you can probably rack up a portfolio in under a year once you have the right mentor.

Speaking of mentors.

How do I transition into high paying jobs with no experience

The key is to rebrand your resume and yourself by:

  1. Not reinventing the wheel - use resumes that have worked for others!

  2. Coffee chats - or networking

  3. Certifications

  4. Creating independent experience

How to update your resume so you can switch careers

#1 Copy and Paste (not plagiarize, let's explain)

Don't reinvent the wheel. Use a resume that's worked for someone else!

Copy and paste a resume that has already gotten someone else the job. It only takes a quick google search in the google image section.

Even if the role is fairly new, find a resume that most closely aligns to another job and use that as your base.

Next, think about all the volunteer roles and hobbies you've amassed. Toss in a few synonyms similar to the skills and requirements listed on job listings.

The goal here isn't to plagiarize or lie about your skillset. Everything you put in your resume must be factual. What's important is that you resume becomes skill heavy and that your experience (no matter how short) is rich and backed by a portfolio.

For example, if you want to break into marketing but you have an accounting degree your skills might best be served in the Financial Tech industry (Fintech) probably on a Content Team. You may want to volunteer at least 10 articles to financial advice websites so you can have a portfolio of work to show recruiters or have on a site that's listed on your resume.

To recap:

Visit sites of top tier companies.

Next, filter out the roles by department then jot down the titles and download the job descriptions.

The possibility is that you've never heard of some of these job titles.

Once you've got those titles, google examples of resumes.

Finally, compare your current job description and resume along with your experience, with the job descriptions and resumes you've found for the new job titles.

For each skill and experience, consider the ones you have that most closely align with the job you're pursuing.

You'll have to get creative with your descriptions and explanations and think outside the box to things you've volunteered for.

One of the best resources is

#2 Coffee Chats

LinkedIn isn't totally useless. And that's because of a little known secret called Coffee Chats.

There are thousands of professionals who use an app called calendly to give half an hour virtual "coffee chats" to professionals just like you who are trying to break into the industry

Search "coffee chats" on LinkedIn to set up virtual meetings with people in your network and you'll be surprised at the insight you gain and the people they can put you in touch with.

Make sure to have your newly revised resume handy so you can discuss questions with them and attach it to a thank you email once you're convo is through.

#3 Certifications

If the price tag attached scares you there might be another way around this one.

The reality is depending on the field you may have to dish out some coins for a certification or two.

Other professions, they just want to know that you've started. If you're hired your employer may potentially foot the cost of the certificates you've already started.

Research is super important here and you can explore what certifications are the best during your coffee chats with industry professionals.

#4 Independent Experience

Take the initiative to build work experience outside the office.

This might mean doing free work for clients, or even setting up your own website using Wix, Squarespace or WordPress to display your own self-paced assignments.

How to find what you're good at that makes money

The takeaway: find the career title in the industry you want to be in that most closely aligns with your skillset.


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